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General Club Administrative
Committee Procedures, Admin. Calendar & Deadlines



  • Confirm that Corresponding Secretary has forwarded current roster and lists of additional ITCA members to the GLATA show chair for Premium list distribution. 

  • Determine that Publicity Committee chair has information drafted for local and national newsletters regarding June Specialty Show and obtain a copy for review prior to submission.

  • Determine that June specialty advertising will be part of February Newsletter mailing. 

  • Determine that results of Chicago Winter Specialty Show will be reviewed.


ITCC Specialty Show

  • Form a Specialty Show Committee (one or more members) and pick a Sweepstakes Judge 

  • Form a Specialty Trophy Committee (one or more members) that will research, purchase trophies and submit trophy list to WATC Specialty Show Committee. Transport trophies to show and setup on trophy table. Collect unused trophies and return to club storage for future use. (see Specialty Show Premium List Trophy Examples

  • Form a Specialty Hospitality Committee (one or more members)  Responsible for Specialty Show Luncheon and Dinner, RSVP's, arrange for lunch space at show grounds, select lunch menu items and  pickup as well a select a restaurant and make dinner reservations.


General Business

  • Form a AKC Compliance Committee

  1. Read and Review AKC Eligibility Requirements to Hold Dog Show

  2. Send in Statement of Compliance Form to the AKC

  3. Review and Apply to Host Club  Blank FORM    Completed GLATA consent form.





Nominating Committee / Officers for the upcoming fiscal year.

Call Executive Committee meeting to appoint a Nominating Committee for nomination of officers for the coming fiscal year. The Executive Committee shall name the Chair for the Committee. The Corresponding Secretary shall immediately notify the Executive Committee of their selection. It shall be the Chair’s duty to call a committee meeting and present its slate to the Executive Committee to the Corresponding Secretary. Written notice of this slate will be sent by the Corresponding Secretary to all voting members.



ITCC Summer Specialty Show Committee

  • Receive blanket approval to hold specialty show from Irish Terrier Club of America (parent club) secretary.

  • Send AKC copy of blanket approval  to hold specialty show. 

  • Submit AKC Show Application  (Instructions per Great Lakes All Terrier Assoc.)

  • Make certain final hotel accommodations and annual dinner/hospitality arrangements have been made for June Specialty

  • Vote on Dinner compensation for judges and guests at Summer specialty

  • Vote on cost for Summer Specialty Annual Dinner and Hospitality

  • Vote on fee for Educational Speaker for Summer specialty

  • vote on Budget allocations for various committees for Summer specialty

  • Plan for additional attendees if ITCA Travelling Specialty is with the Summer specialty weekend.


Send announcement for the ITCA newsletter to appear in the Winter and Spring ITCA Newsletter

  • Hotel Booklet

  • to contain hotel rules for dogs

  • to contain show dates, Superintendents, Judges, Rings and Judging times

  • to have directions from the headquarters hotel to the showgrounds

  • to have directions to Banquet location

  • to have specific information about both Hospitality and the Banquet

  • any other incidentals such as nearby restaurants or shopping....


Dinner table favors

Generally something inexpensive but ITCC 'labeled" Under $5.00


  • Pen and notepaper

  • Keychain

  • Snow Globe

  • Address book

  • Refrigerator magnet

  • Luggage tag

  • Dog treats


Trophy Committee; Submit trophy list to GLATA show secretary.  Specialty Show Premium List trophy example from a previous year. Use this as a guideline to submit to show secretary of the GLATA.  Important....trophy list donors, list of officers, sweeps money breakdown, rosettes, descriptions of trophies, and hospitality information should be included as well as supported entry awards/prizes



Submit ITCC Membership List and List of Officers & Board to AKC at


  1. Club Name (Please make sure to include it in the message subject also)

  2. Your Name

  3. Your Contact Information

  4. Your Role in the Club

  5. Officer Information That Needs to Be Updated. For each officer, please include their position, name, address, phone number(s), and email address. Please also include the date the change should be effective. 




Nominating Chair’s deadline to present its slate to the Executive Committee. Written notice of this slate will be sent by the Corresponding Secretary to all voting members.




Confirm with Corresponding Secretary that no additional nominees have been offered.  Confirm with Treasurer that dues notice will appear in May Newsletter.




  • Due notice to appear in May Newsletter.

  • Call Executive Committee Meeting to appoint a committee of three for the Judge Selection Committee

  • Review final arrangements for the Summer specialty

  • Set September Annual Grooming Clinic date and Host

  • Consider level of Participation at Winter Specialty show & confirm deadlines

  • Decide on whether to have supported entry with that weekend and what $ level

  • Determine whether to have dram shop insurance for Hospitality in June

  • Enlist volunteers for Winter Specialty duties/committees


Annual Meeting


May 15th File Form  990 E-postcard  / file taxes

EIN: 36-3865421


Due by the 15th day of the 5th month after the close of the ITCC tax year. (May 15th of each year)


If receipts less then $50,000 the club can file e-postcard Form 990-N

by the 15th day of the 5th month after the close of your tax year.


IRS link to file:

Click on Submit Form 990-N e-postcard

The log on id is: ??????

The password is: ??????




  • Attend all events at Summer Specialty

  • Final follow-up prior to Summer Specialty with Ways and Means

  • Prepare and deliver pertinent files and information to incoming President

  • Fiscal year ends June 30th


Dues Renewals : Membership dues shall be an amount established by the members at any regular or special meeting and shall be payable on or before the 1st day of the ensuing fiscal year. In the month prior to the beginning of each fiscal year, the Treasurer shall send to each member a statement of his dues for the ensuing fiscal year.




The Club’s fiscal year shall begin on the 1st day of July and end on the 30th day of June of the following year.


Dues Renewals Due July 1: Membership dues shall be an amount established by the members at any regular or special meeting and shall be payable on or before the 1st day of the ensuing fiscal year. In the month prior to the beginning of each fiscal year, the Treasurer shall send to each member a statement of his dues for the ensuing fiscal year.


Determine that reports of all Committees from Summer Specialty will be reviewed.


Coordinate items for Grooming Clinic - RDO, etc.


Fill in Winter Specialty show committees as needed


Review Judge Selection Committee's report to be presented at meeting.




Determine that reminder has been send regarding Grooming Clinic.


Winter Specialty Chair & Co-Chair Responsibilities

  • Show  Application submission

  • Contact Show Chair

  • Decide on Trophies (Membership vote)

  • Premium list

  • Advance notification to show photographer to request photos of winners and where to mail them.

  • Ring side assistance to appointed ring steward

  • Breed Judge gift with a thank you note from ITCC

  • Sweeps Judge gift with thank you note from ITCC

  • Mail show photos to John Childers with a note to forward them to Mary Best

  • Email show results (BOB, BOW, BOS, SEL D, SEL B, WB, WD and, if required, Best Puppy and Sweepstakes wins) to ITCC and ITCA Newsletter editors for publication.  If there is also a supported entry, you should include winners for both days.




Special Education event - Grooming Clinic




  • Review report of JSC Committee balloting

  • Confirm Roster distribution

  • Determine who will do Premium list for Summer Specialty and the deadlines for submission

  • Establish Show Chair and Sweepstakes judge for Summer specialty

  • Coordinate Publicity for upcoming shows with ITCA and ITCC newsletters

  • Review dates for trophy solicitation and premium list coordination  EXAMPLE TROPHY FUND SOLICITATION FORM




Determine that premium list for Summer Specialty has been prepared by review of first draft and confirm submission.





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